Science Challenge!

We already know I’m turning into a sucker for reading challenges, so it should come as no surprise that as soon as I heard about the Science Book Challenge (via Library Chicken), I had to dive right in.

Especially since I got an email from the library yesterday telling me that it was my turn to download the e-book version of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.

A few other candidates for this month’s special Challenge reading list:

Of course, I might also want to finish Possessing Genius. Decisions, decisions. In the meantime, I’ve joined the Facebook Group for the challenge. I’ve got some reading to do!

Reading Challenge Update: January

Here we are, halfway through the first month of the year. Let’s see how I’m doing on my 2011 Reading Challenges.

At the moment, I’m at 1/12. Technically, I’ve finished two e-books in 2011, but I started one of them in the last few days of December 2010. The one I started and finished in 2011 was Lauren Myracle’s forthcoming YA novel Shine, in e-ARC format, courtesy of NetGalley. I’ll have a review up next week. I’ve started another e-ARC, Sonya Sones’ first adult novel, The Hunchback of Neiman Marcus. Like her YA books, this is a novel-in-verse. It’s very funny so far.

Um, yeah. Those three ARCS from Hachette are still sitting on my coffee table, and I’m waiting for the other titles on my list to show up in my library.

This one, I confess, is not going so well, either. I’m one chapter into Possessing Genius. I’m enjoying it so far. It’s just, you know, I have these shiny new ARCs calling to me from the nook….

I’ll get back to you next month.

How are your Reading Challenges going?