Official TBR Pile Challenge 2023

Official TBR Pile List

  1. Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
  2. Confessions – Augustine, translated by Sarah Ruden
  3. Every Book Its Reader: The Power of the Printed Word to Stir the World – Nicholas A. Basbanes
  4. Beowulf – translated by Seamus Heaney
  5. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Writings – Thomas De Quincey
  6. Through the Magic Door – Arthur Conan Doyle
  7. The Epic of Gilgamesh – translated by Andrew George (finished January 20)
  8. Moby-Dick – Herman Melville
  9. The Symposium – Plato, translated by Christopher Gill
  10. Scott’s Last Expedition: The Journals – Robert Falcon Scott
  11. Sherlock Holmes: The Detective & the Collector: Essays on the John Bennett Shaw Library – edited by Lucy M. Brusic
  12. The Aeneid – Vergil, translated by Sarah Ruden