Yarn for the Holidays

The last several years, I’ve watched as folks opened yarn Advent calendars all through December. I, of course, already have my Adagio tea Advent calendar, but I decided to get myself some holiday yarn this year, too.

It seems the Universe decided to showcase its wacky sense of humor, because I ended up ordering not one, not two, but three different holiday yarn boxes. Two of them will appear later, but let’s start with this lovely package from Shaina Bilow Designs.

There have been a few Christmas Advent yarn calendars on offer, but not a lot of goodies for Chanukah. (Note: No, Chanukah is not “Jewish Christmas”. It is, however, a lovely holiday in its own right, personally significant for me, and absolutely a fine excuse reason to treat oneself or a loved one to some yarny goodness.)

Light blue cardboard box open to reveal blue tissue paper

This is a single box of goodies, all to be opened at once, under this fun blue tissue paper.

Light blue cardboard box open to reveal yarn and related goodies

Look at all that! So much packed into that box!

A set of mini-skeins of yarn in blue, gray, gold, and cream, several recipe cards, two packets of tea, chocolate gelt, stitch markers, cookies, and a few other treats.

The yarn is so, so squishy. The cookies and chocolates disappeared pretty early on. The moisturizer is really, really nice. And there are, of course, eight stitch markers in that set.

A (digital) pattern booklet with one crochet and eight knit patterns was included. I’ve been working on the “Eighth Knit Brioche Cowl“. It’s my first brioche project, which has its own challenges, but it is so soft and lovely I get a kick out of just squooshing it as I work.

Chag Chanukah sameach, my friends.

Shakespeare 2020

Two weeks ago or so, the Shakespeare 2020 Project came across my social media feeds. It’s been a long time since I read any Shakespeare – not since some really excellent college classes, I think. In fact, it’s even been years since I donated/sold off the various volumes I acquired for said classes.

But y’all know how I love a self-imposed challenge. And I’ve still got Lamb’s Tales on my Classics Club list. (Although, oddly, no Shakespeare on that list.) Of course, I’m already two plays behind. I’ll get caught up on Henry VI before we all move on from part III, and I’m planning to go back and revisit Twelfth Night in December.

Yesterday, I took a bag of books to my local used bookshop to sell (they bought about half of them). Between that and a gift certificate from Christmas, I was able to pick up this lovely three-volume annotated complete works from the 1970s, in its somewhat battered slipcase. They’re not exactly portable, so I’ll be doing most of my reading from them at my desk, but I’m awfully pleased with the purchase.

Are you in for Shakespeare 2020?