Points West has become More Than True. All archives and comments should appear here.
In which I get all meta about the blog itself
Points West has become More Than True. All archives and comments should appear here.
A while back, the call went out for judges for this year’s Cybils. Since this blog has clearly shifted from being a craft blog to more of a kidlit blog, I went ahead and threw my hat in the ring.
I’m a first round judge for Middle Grade Fiction, along with these fantastic bloggers:
Colby Sharp at Sharp Read
Jennifer Donovan at 5 Minutes for Books
Karen Yingling at Ms. Yingling Reads
Cheryl Vanati at Reading Rumpus
Grier Jewell at Fizzwhizzing Flushbunker
Michael Gettel-Gilmartin at Middle Grade Mafioso .
Now, I love kids’ fiction, as you can tell by looking through my reviews. (Good thing, too, what with the being a Children’s Librarian. It’s a lot easier to make book recommendations when you read a lot of books!) I’ve read a few of this year’s nominees already, but I have stacks of books coming my way via the library’s holds system.
I’ve been spacing out my reviews on this blog, posting kids’ books on Tuesdays and YA books on Thursdays. With so many books coming in, if I keep that up, I’ll end up with once-weekly reviews scheduled through the end of next year. That seems… excessive. So, those of you on the other side of the screen, what do you think? Should I start posting them more often? (And, no, I don’t see myself posting a review for every single nominee. There just aren’t that many hours in the day.)
This does also mean that the Challenges I signed up for back at the beginning of the year are on hold. I’ve read seven of my original 12 titles for the Debut Author Challenge, with one more of those currently in the TBR-for-Cybils queue. I hit my 12 titles (and then some) for the E-Book Challenge back in April. The Off the Shelf Challenge, sadly, has suffered this year. I’ve read one book from my Challenge List. Whoops. I don’t see myself making up any ground there before December.
For everyone else, Hi there.
I seem to be doing things a bit backwards, moving from my own domain to WP’s, but it was getting a bit silly to pay for hosting for a site that I never quite managed to design a splash page for. Things may be a little disjointed around here while I sort out old links and photos, but at least I didn’t lose my archives this time.
In the move, I found this partial entry relating a conversation I had with someone about a big yarn organization I had just done:
“How big is the stash?”
“Smaller than it was, since we found bugs in it.”
“Oh, no. Was it a lot of wool?”
“Yeah. But they were also in the acrylic. Except those were dead.”
“Makes you wonder if we should really be wearing that stuff, doesn’t it?”
“Well, we definitely shouldn’t try to eat it.”
It looks like I got dropped from the Knitting Bloggers ring at some point. I’m not all that surprised, since my posting got pretty sporadic for a while there. The ring is actually open to new members again since yesterday, but your blog has to have been up for a month with at least one post per week. I think I’ll wait for the next time the ring opens and apply again.
Note (added June 12, 2009): This is an introductory post to the reincarnation of my first knitting blog.
There is a sad story behind the disappearance of the last two years of posts. It involves a series of back-ups that refused to restore properly, and the less said about that, the better.
Live and learn. Much like knitting, sometimes you just have to rip back to the beginning and start again.
So, welcome to the new Cavalier Stitches.