
I’m a winner! It won’t be official until word count verification opens on the 25th, but still. I did it!

50,059 words. 153 double-spaced, 12-point type pages.

I crossed the 50,000 word mark Saturday night. Last word written? “Weird”.

13 days. That’s just crazy.

I spent some time yesterday on revising, but I think I need to take a little time away from it first. Writer-folks, is it normal to look at your draft and despair of it actually becoming something worth reading? Or is it just me?

Yep, I think I’ll let it rest for a bit. I have some knitting to do.

2 Replies to “50,059”

  1. You rock! Congratulations and no, that isn’t just you. I am part way into my NaNo story and know that it is complete crap 🙂

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