I meant to take a picture of Checking His List this morning, I really did. It’s coming along nicely. I’m way down at the bottom, stitching in the toys in Santa’s bag.
I am well aware that it’s less than 3 weeks ’til Christmas. Maybe I should have bought that little pink Baby’s First Christmas stocking I saw at the grocery store.
I’ve been so wrapped up in cross-stitch these days, in fact, that I missed the deadline to download the final clue for Secret of the Stole, but DK emailed me a copy.
I have to say that the SotS knitalong was really excellent. The pattern was lovely, the guessing game for the theme was fun (although, man, I was way off on those first few clues), and DK has been wonderful in offering advice and support through the Yahoo! group and commenting on individual members’ blogs. I’m already signed up for SotS-II.
But, first, the stocking.