Off the Shelf Challenge

It seems that Reading Challenges are going to be even more of a temptation for me than Knit-a-Longs. I just hope I do a little better at them.

Off The Shelf!

Today, I stumbled on the Off the Shelf Challenge at Bookish Ardour, and it happens to fit perfectly with a personal goal of mine for 2011. I’ve already pulled out 12 unread non-fiction books from my shelves to read over the next year. So, why not add another three and go for the Trying level of the Challenge?

My list:

There’s no rule in the Challenge that it’s supposed to be non-fiction. It’s just that I have a lot of non-fiction that’s been hanging out on my shelves, unread. And I think this makes a good balance to the YA fiction I’ll be reading for the Debut Author Challenge.