
Thinking about... something

If you give a Librarian a blog, she’ll want to review some books….

This Tangled Skein grew out of “More Than True”, the personal blog of Beth L. Gallego: Knitter, Librarian, Mom, Writer,  Sherlockian, and Misplaced Midwesterner. It began as a knitting blog in 2006, then morphed into a book review blog focused on Children’s and YA literature… with a liberal sprinkling of entries on running, crafting, and library life.

I was born and raised outside Chicago, and I finished a Bachelor’s degree (Liberal Arts & Sciences – Rhetoric) and a Master of Science (Library and Information Science) at the University of Illinois. I turned my G.A. experience at the Chemistry Library into an article for an issue of Science & Technology Libraries. (That issue was also published as Information Practice in Science and Technology: Evolving Challenges and New Directions.)

After grad school, I moved to Los Angeles, where I did not become a movie star. Instead, I became a Children’s (and then YA, and then Children’s again) Librarian in a large public library system. I have served on several committees in the American Library Association and its divisions and round tables, including the Office of Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee, the ALA/ALSC Great Web Sites for Kids Committee, and the Stonewall Book Award Committee. In 2011, I was a Round 1 Middle Grade Fiction judge for the Cybils. I dream of one day being on the Selection Committee for the Newbery.

I have reviewed books, audiobooks, and video materials for School Library Journal. I track my personal reading on Goodreads.

I’ve been blogging in one place or another since 2000. I tweet, too.  All views expressed are mine alone, and they may not reflect those of my employer.