Hey, yeah, remember knitting?
I remember it, too! I’ve even been doing some of it. I started working on a sweater for the baby while we were in Alaska, which then got pushed aside when I started working on a Secret Gift-Type Project. And those Retro Rib Socks are still in my bag, waiting for me to work on them now that I have a second set of the needles.
Maybe for my next entry, I’ll even have pictures.
In the meantime, let’s go look at some pretty pictures in the new Knitty, shall we?
Let us start with Sherwood, which is so darn cute. And then let us contemplate Serrano, which is lovely. And, really, lacy cardigans might just be one of the few practical knitting items here in sunny Southern California. And Diamante intrigues me with its promise of a heel turn that doesn’t result in a hole in the knitting.
There we go, three new projects to ponder until I manage to get some actual pictures of actual knitting progress up here.