K and I spent yesterday at the Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire. She’d been to it once before, but I’ve only ever been to the Bristol Faire, back when I lived in Illinois. There were noticeably fewer Klingons at this one, though there were lots of people in garb.
And I’m pretty sure the Aztec dancers are a Southern California thing.

I, of course, was drawn to the Guild of St. Cuthbert, where women were spinning and knitting in the guildyard.

And there were many lovely spindles on display.

Early in the day, I successfully spun a bit of yarn with the help of a woman who was walking with a distaff and drop spindle.
The Faire was fun. I also got to try my hand at archery, and we saw a couple of comedy shows, plus the final “Joust to the Death”. Less fun is the splitting headache and the sinus issues I’ve been having all day today, quite possibly from the bales of hay, dust, and pollen all around the Faire.